Network asset

Network assets are new kinds of tokens that the economic space protocol makes possible. Tokens in the economic space protocol are always network objects or distributed objects (vs. replicated objects), i.e., bundles of rights that have a capacity to affect others and be affected by others in the network and that can be exclusively transferred and communicated through the network. They can change the state of many other assets (objects) that belong to other agents and read their state. As such state change triggers, they are predicated on the distributed accounting protocol. For example, the distributed credit protocol is an accounting sub-protocol which makes the network assets to have a credit function so they can clear each other. Or, in the same way, the distributed stake protocol is an accounting sub-protocol which gives the stake tokens a “pipe function” which allows values to flow through and between them and where the amount of stake determines how much can flow in the pipe. As network assets, credit and stake are protocols which give their holders an access to a whole lot of objects and functions. They are networking tokens that network many tokens and give their holders capacities that go beyond one Agent. As network assets, tokens form a two-way communication interface: through them you can affect the network, as the network asset (object) allows you to refer to other assets (objects) that belong to other agents; and through them the network can affect and inform you. See Network derivative.

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